Friday, June 20, 2008

So many workshops....

For next quarter, I already have three full time instructors who are requesting a total of about 9 in-class workshops. These are in Business, Criminal Justice, and HIT. I haven't even queried the adjuncts yet. So, what do you do when your workshop load becomes unmanageable? I am curious about how everyone is handling workshops. Do you do them as requested? Do you combine classes? Do you do a lot of workshops outside of class? Other ideas?


Emily said...

Consider your workshops from a "content" perspective. Do you have multiple database workshops for Allied Health? You can combine those. Do you have multiple requests for APA workshops? You can combine those as well.

You can also work with instructors to do introductory work in the classes before you come in to give the workshop, so that you are focused more on advanced questions and content, rather than "What is APA".

Amy Springer said...

At first, many in-class workshops was hard to balance, but now that I have perfected my ppts, it's easy just to revert back to my ppts from previous quarters.

I have had a lot of help from my work study in the past to put together the packets that I give to each student for in-class workshops. I no longer have a work study, so I will be "borrowing" assistance from other work study students on my campus.

Dan, what is your advice? I know that you do a lot of in-class workshops.