Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gamin' @ Rasmussen

I'm so thrilled about an event I planned in response to goal-planning for the campus & the library.

Backstory first. We have a large number of students in this community who are simply afraid of technology, afraid of trying things out, and afraid to make mistakes. We also have a large number of students who are quite adept at Web 2.0 stuff and aren't afraid of texting or messaging.

I went to a "Gaming In The Libraries" session last October for the Wisconsin Library Association annual conference and was intrigued about the idea of using gaming as a tool for literacy (or in many ways technology literacy) in the library.

After mulling over the session with Emily, we decided it would be interesting if we could have an event on this campus and see what happens!

We're on!

I'm working with the Admissions department and have MANY volunteers. I sent out an email to the leadership team on campus:
I will be hosting the PS3 & RockBand2. The college has the Wii and Pam has some games that she will share. It will be a fantastic way to have fun with our students, a good way to assist in retention, and possibly even a way for some of our tech-wary students to have some fun and learn not to be afraid of technology.
I'm so excited that the event seems to be gaining momentum. We will have at least 1 person in each room to staff each room for the Wii & the RockBand2 so students can come in, and even if they don't know HOW to do the game, they will be able to shown how.

Did I mention that I actually have fantastic support from the leadership team, including the DOA and the Campus Director?

I'm so excited for this, and hope it will be successful. I'll be starting to advertise it in the near future.

1 comment:

LisaS said...

I think your idea caught on here. Next Friday, our High school admissions will be doing a gaming night. It sounded similiar to what you are offering only they are hoping to recruit students.