Tuesday, March 31, 2009

ILL at a distance

I just logged into First Search/OCLC and saw that a book from my campus had been requested by a library in Norway. Now that's what I call a long-distance ILL!


Libby said...

Cool, Chandra! Two weeks ago, I had a request from California...

Cynthia said...


Did you send it? I had a request from Alaska. However, it was a reference book so I didn't send it. Actually, I have had the same reference book requested by two different libraries...

Chandra said...

Yes, I did send it. It has a 1994 copyright and is worth about $10, and it has not left the shelf in three years, so I figured there's no real harm if it gest lost. The cheapest way was 1st class mail right from the post office. For about $8, it will get there in 7-10 days. International priority mail would have been $12, 6-10 days.