Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Orientation for new students

How much is the library mentioned in orientations for new students at other campuses? I got to see the new powerpoint that they will be showing here and the slide for the academic support system lists the faculty, peers (study groups), the Dean and the ESC (mentor center-contacting tutors). I emailed back about the lack of library on the slide--I don't know their script, if we would be mentioned but not being on the slide, I'm guessing a brief nod. (just feeling frustrated; with all the retention, retention, retention, and we get left out as part of the support system(sigh)......


Chandra said...

I can understand your frustration. Librarians and libraries are too valuable to campus life and student success to be left out.

I get about 10 minutes to present during orientation, and the folders students receive have a number of library-related materials. I log in to the student portal and point out the main features, highlighting how to access Smarthinking, online courses, and student e-mail. I then go to the library page and point out the main features.

Cynthia said...

I get to share 15 minutes with the mentor center coordinator. The library resources handout with my contact information is in the folder they receive. I mention how the library is small but mighty and extends beyond the 4 walls that they all saw when they came in for their picture. There is no computer access available where I do my part of the orientation. However, the Success Strategies instructors are good about having me come to their classes and talk about the library services.

Dennis said...

My participation in the past has been minimal, but that is changing this quarter. I am going to take on a greater role in the presentation and promote the library more to the incoming students. I am going to ensure that the folders include all of the pertinent library information that is needed. The orientation presentation is being updated and my campus is meeting soon to discuss and work out the changes.

Amy Springer said...

Our orientation just had a major change. Now the mentor center coordinator and I present in the library. I feel like I am given adequate time. While he students are in the library, I take photos while Val hands out Ras T-shirts.

LisaS said...

Here in Mankato the only time I spend with the students is taking pictures for Photo IDs and that is not always a positive thing as the Admissions staff does not warn the students in any way. Just last quarter though I took on giving out the ID's so that students would be coming back to the library and then I give them a one page handout on what the library has to offer. At some point I have mentioned that I would like to be more a part of orientation but I was told that it is pretty long already. I also make an effort to get into the Success Strategy classes to present on resources and I take whatever other opportunities arise. An example is when we moved and there was uncertainity of where to do the awards program. I volunteered the library. I figure if I can get students in here they may come back again.