Monday, March 16, 2009

Student volunteers

For the last two Saturdays, I had two students come in to help me with cataloging. Emily gave me the great idea of asking a couple of students to help me identify which books in my young collection still needed cataloging. So I asked two young ladies who are in the library often and are responsible to come in and help (this is also a great way for me to test them out as potential work studies in the future!).

The girls simply entered in titles and authors into our catalog, and looked to see if we have any. Then, we divided each section into: cataloged, cataloged (but needs call numbers) and not cataloged. Thanks to their help, my cataloging dilemma seems much more manageable.

I plan on getting my volunteers a certificate stating that they are official volunteers, and I will also put their pictures and "story" into the next campus newsletter. :)

1 comment:

Kate Bessey said...

That's great! I'm glad you've found such helpful and capable students!