Friday, January 02, 2009

Blogger's Block

Well, I have finally posted to the Blog. (Emily I hope you are seated). One of my New Year's resolutions was to post, so now I can check it off the list! The second resolution is to get more organized, well I'm more like organized chaos grounded in the Meg Wheatley theory of Chaos.

I'm working on collaboration this upcoming quarter, and that means sharing more original works on the blog!

I am putting together a faculty packet of useful information. With that I created a cover letter in a bulleted format of the things we have to offer the students and faculty. It isn't complicated, but I think it serves two purposes. One, the faculty will think about what we have to offer, and two maybe sneak a peek for their own knowledge to possibly update their skills. It is a start...


Libby said...

These are very helpful "talking points," Jan. Many thanks for the idea! I think it will help as a "refresher" for our admissions staff, also.

Mary said...

Great idea Jan! I too put together a faculty packet, but I like the idea of having "talking points" on the front to sum up what we can offer them.