Monday, January 26, 2009

Problems with Plagiarism

Recently, our campus has experienced a few plagiarism issues with students. I have been asked to read over papers in question and comment on the citation or lack there of. Our dean has since asked me to provide a handout for faculty and for students with concrete examples of proper and improper paraphrasing and quoting. Searching for these examples I have come across a couple universities that provide some well done examples Princeton's:

Indiana University's

Let me know of any others you suggest or content you think might be appropriate.


Anonymous said...

We have those handouts "Preventing and Detecting Plagiarism: Faculty" and one for students. Would that help as well?

Kate Bessey said...


I'm not familiar with those handouts -- coud you please send them out? That'd be grand!

Anonymous said...

I haven't found the docs anywhere on chipsnet... But I know they are in the Faculty IL packet.