Wednesday, January 30, 2008

February's display

We've decided that February will be Black History Month. I have been playing around with some ideas for a while - something that our students can really be engaged in/with, and the idea didn't come to me until Friday of last week. I'm pretty excited about it!

Here's a snapshot of the poster I created.

So, what is YOUR February display going to be?


Amy Springer said...

Great poster! What prizes will be given? I am doing a trivia question each week via Email/Campus TVs. All of the questions can be searched via Encyclopedia Britannica Library Database. I will be doing a drawing each week for the students that submit answers in paper form or via email.

The first question is: This African American received a master of science degree from Iowa State Agricultural College in 1896 and went on to develop 300 derivative products made out of peanuts. These products include milk, coffee, plastics, soap, cheese, and cosmetics. Who was this man???

Dan said...

Excellent poster Karen! I created a crossword puzzle using Chandra's favorite "Eclipse Crossword" program.

Is the answer to Amy's question Gearge Washington Carver?

Chandra said...

My work study and I created a trivia bulletin board, complete with little tabs to flip up to reveal the answers. I'm borrowing Amy's idea of sending out a trivia question each week.

Beth said...

Great poster and creative ideas, these would work well for Women's History Month next month as well.