Thursday, November 29, 2007

100th Post & Bibliographies

Greetings Team!

Congratulations to Krista (and the whole team, really) for the 100th blog post yesterday. I am pleased with ALL of your efforts and participation in this environment, and I think that it has been extremely beneficial as a professional development & discussion tool.

On to other matters!

Please don't just use your catalog to search for items to add to your bibliographies. You may have missing items that you have not yet deleted (you may not even know that they are missing). If you want to use the catalog for an initial search, fine, but please pull the books from the shelves to verify they exist. The last thing we need is to have someone come in searching for (or requesting) a book that you don't actually have.

If nothing else, think of the bibliographies as a most excellent collection development tool. By knowing your gaps, you can seek to improve your collection rather precisely.


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