Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Marketing for workshops or study-a-thons

Here is the signage that we used for the most recent study-a-thon at Eagan.. I think this creative signage is what brought a lot of students to campus.. Also, free food always helps.

I think creative signage could definitely draw students for workshops too. My open workshops have really low attendance..


LisaS said...

I think that your signage is great! Do you think the food is the pull or the ability to be with others who are in the same situation that they may dread? It could be a combination of both. I definitely think that the signage helps put a fun spin on the situation. I would like to try one of these next quarter. Do you have any information that you could share with me?

Amy Springer said...

I think food is a major pull. Also, we have the faculty mention it in all of their in-house and online classes. We also put up a blib on the student portal.